Make an appointment

We are happy to see patients at any of our hospitals who are either insured or paying for their own private treatment.

Patients with medical insurance

You will need to contact your insurance provider to obtain authorisation to see one of our specialists. Most insurers will require a referral letter from your GP. Your insurance company should make you aware of any likely excess charges you might face for your initial appointment and any tests that might need to be arranged. Once you have your insurance company authorisation, an appointment can be booked by contacting one of the hospitals (details below).

Self-funding patients

We are happy to see self-funding patients privately at any of our hospitals.

As of 01/05/2023, the cost for an initial consultation with one of our specialists is £250, and the cost for a follow-up appointment is £180. You may be charged additionally by the hospital for scans and blood tests, but your specialist will discuss these with you at your appointment.

For self-funding patients who wish to arrange a private surgical procedure, the hospitals we work with are usually able to offer a fixed-cost package for most procedures which covers the cost of the procedure itself, the hospital stay and 1 follow-up appointment. You can therefore be confident that you will not be subject to any excess charges. Quotes for various procedures are available on enquiry, but please note that you will need to arrange an initial consultation first.